Renovating a Bathroom What to do First

A little retouch on your bathroom could breathe an air of excitement at your home. However, you do not just wake up and start to work on your renovation project. It needs planning before you start anything. You need to be up to speed on renovating a bathroom what to do first so that you do not make a mess of it.
Renovating a Bathroom What to do First
There are many cool home improvement ideas you can do on a budget. Lucky for you, this post is all about the process of renovating your bathroom. It will give you a cost estimation, a guide of what to do and when, as well as tips to make sure everything falls into your plans.
Bathroom Remodeling Cost Estimates
The total cost will be determined by the extent of the renovation you will be doing. Any advanced remodeling will require a few thousands of dollars. Labor costs will take no less than 20% of the total budget. The rest goes to the materials you will need for the project. Make sure you get several quotes and compare them to settle for one that fits into your financial abilities.
Preparing for the Remodeling
If you want to get your desired results, you have to plan this well from the beginning. Here is how you prepare for the project;
- Decide your remodel design.
What do you want to see when the remodeling is done? Draw up a design or have a home improvement professional complete the job. You will decide on colors, new fixtures, where to leave storage space, as well as the areas for the utilities.
- Collect your tools and supplies.
You do not want to run out of some supplies in the middle of the project. You also do not want to find out that you are missing a crucial tool for the process. Write down everything you need and get them one by one. Remember, your safety is not negotiable.
The Remodeling Phase
Start by getting any obstructions out of your way. Move any fixtures to a safe location. Also, make sure there is adequate space to store and allow the equipment to be moved freely. You should insist on starting with the more difficult tasks. For instance, if you will be installing a shower or a bathtub, they should be first in the line of priority. Another task you should begin with is replacing the flooring, maybe by changing the tiles. Next, install new fixtures and replace any worn-out ones. Make sure everything is fitted where you intended so that your final design is exactly what you planned for.
When everything you had in your design is done, you should go around checking and ascertaining nothing has been left out. Inspect the plumbing system to make sure that it has not been interrupted. Especially with because old homes can have plumbing problems. If you are satisfied, it is time to do the final cleaning and put back where they belong. Renovating a bathroom what to first should helpful in actualizing your renovation. Draw a plan of action and strictly follow your design, and you will have no regrets. Most importantly, if you are renovating on a budget you stick to your plan.